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Mitre Caldera V5

Mitre Caldera V5 is an advanced, open-source platform designed for adversary emulation and automated red teaming. It allows users to simulate various cyber attack techniques and tactics in a controlled environment, providing valuable insights for improving cybersecurity defenses. AWS Marketplace: Mitre Caldera V5


  • Please be patient , it takes 5-10 minutes for Mitre Caldera to be accessible.


  • To ssh into your server, use the adminotaur user:
ssh adminotaur@ip-of-server


  • To Get all the Mitre Caldera Passwords , run the follwoing command from terminal:
cat /home/adminotaur/caldera/conf/local.yml


  • login to your Mitre Caldera V5:
  • Note: It is set to use a public IP , please see troublehsooting to customize to a private IP.
  • How to login as the Red or blue user:
username: red
password: ( cat /home/adminotaur/caldera/conf/local.yml | grep red )

username: blue
password: ( cat /home/adminotaur/caldera/conf/local.yml | grep blue )

Plugin Ports:

  • Note: UFW Host firewall is only set to allow port 22 & 8443 by default.
# To allow access to any of the ports mentioned , add a rule.
sudo ufw allow 8853/tcp
sudo ufw allow 8853/udp

# Check the current firewall rules:
sudo ufw status numbered

# Delete a rule, select a numbered from the above command:
sudo ufw delete 99
  • DNS Contact Plugin (Port 8853)
  • Description: Handles agent communication via DNS.
  • Test: Configure an agent to use DNS and verify it registers successfully.
  • Expected Outcome: Agent should appear in the Caldera interface.

  • FTP Contact Plugin (Port 2222)

  • Description: Handles agent communication via FTP.
  • Test: Use an FTP client to connect, upload, and download files.
  • Expected Outcome: Successful file transfers.

  • TCP Contact Plugin (Port 7010)

  • Description: Handles agent communication via TCP.
  • Test: Deploy an agent over TCP and monitor the connection.
  • Expected Outcome: Stable TCP connection and communication.

  • UDP Contact Plugin (Port 7011)

  • Description: Handles agent communication via UDP.
  • Test: Deploy an agent over UDP and verify packet exchange.
  • Expected Outcome: Successful data transmission with minimal packet loss.

  • WebSocket Contact Plugin (Port 7012)

  • Description: Handles agent communication via WebSocket.
  • Test: Deploy an agent over WebSocket and confirm the connection.
  • Expected Outcome: Real-time communication via WebSocket.

  • SSH Tunnel Plugin (Port 8022)

  • Description: Enables agent communication through SSH tunnels.
  • Test: Establish an SSH tunnel and deploy an agent.
  • Expected Outcome: Secure communication through the tunnel.

  • HTTP/HTTPS Contact Plugin (Port 8443)

  • Description: Facilitates agent communication via HTTP/HTTPS.
  • Test: Access the web interface and deploy an agent.
  • Expected Outcome: Secure agent registration via HTTPS.

  • Main Web Interface (Port 8888)

  • Description: Central interface for Caldera operations.
  • Test: Log in and perform basic operations.
  • Expected Outcome: Full functionality with no errors.


  • If you need update the IP or other data in local.yml
sudo systemctl stop caldera
vim /home/adminotaur/caldera/conf/local.yml
# If you want to use a private Ip , instead of public, change the following: https://IP-OF-YOUR-SERVER:8443
app.frontend.api_base_url: https://IP-OF-YOUR-SERVER:8443

# make sure to also change the IP here as well:
vim /home/adminotaur/caldera/plugins/magma/.env

# Once these are updated, run the follwing command:
sudo systemctl start caldera-build
# Wait a couple of minutes for it to build, once you see Caldera in status, build is done.
sudo systemctl status caldera-build
# Once Caldera is visible, you can stop the service.
sudo systemctl stop caldera-build
# Now you can start Caldera.
sudo systemctl start caldera

  • To get the plugins to work, you need to allow them via UFW host firewall:
# Check the plugin ports section, EX:
sudo ufw allow 8853/tcp
sudo ufw allow 8853/udp

# Check the current firewall rules:
sudo ufw status numbered

# Delete a rule, select a numbered from the above command:
sudo ufw delete 99

Security Features:

  • Crowdsec IPS -
  • UFW Host Firewall -
  • Auditd Logging -
  • Automated Updates - Update script upon first boot and daily.

