Node Red is an event driven automation platform written in Java Script.AWS Marketplace: Nodered
NodeRed - AWS Setup:
- SSH into your server ( Please read AWS Basics mentioned below if you are stuck . )
- ssh adminotaur@ip-of-server
- Login to Node Red Dashboard
- https://ip-of-server:1880
- user: adminotaur
- V3.0 pass: decyphertek
- V3.1.3 Pass: instanceID
- Find the instance Id from Ec2 dashboard or from terminal - curl -s
NodeRed - Change Password
- Run the following command to generate a password hash
- node -e "console.log(require('bcryptjs').hashSync(process.argv[1], 8));" your-password-here
- add password hash to settings.js under adminAuth: ( Line 618 )
- vim /home/adminotaur/.node-red/settings.js
- Optional: Enable API - uncomment block //adminAuth: in settings.js ( Line 72 ) -
- sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- sudo systemctl restart pm2-adminotaur.service
NodeRed - Configuration:
- When adding configuration nodes or any connections, you may need to open firewall ports via ufw and AWS security group.
- To see current firewall rules - ssh into your server ssh adminotaur@ip-of-server and run the following
- sudo ufw status numbered
- EX: allow a firewall rule ( Port=1883 Protocol=tcp )
- sudo ufw allow 1883/tcp
- Troubleshooting: Check if ufw is blocking traffic : sudo less /var/log/ufw* | grep 'BLOCK'
- Troubleshooting: If all fails temporarily disable firewall - sudo ufw disable ( re-enable : sudo ufw enable )
Nodered - Upgrade:
- Run the following commands to update Node-red
- sudo systemctl stop pm2-adminotaur
- sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red
- cd .nodered/
- npm update
- sudo systemctl start pm2-adminotaur
NodeRed - Security Features:
- Crowdsec IPS -
- UFW Host Firewall -
- Auditd Logging -
- Automated Updates - Update script upon first boot and at 1am daily.
AWS Basics: