Semaphore UI is a modern way to run ansible with an easy to use GUI. Its a good alternative to Ansible Tower or AWX. You can store your vault secrets and run playbooks on a schedule. Decyphertek has also setup ansible with some basic playbooks to help you get started. AWS Marketplace: Semaphore UI
SSH into the Semaphore server:
- Linux + Mac - add .pem key to ~/.ssh/id_rsa > change permisisons > chmod 400 id_rsa
- If using putty or mobaxterm make sure to convert .pem to .ppk using puttygen.
- Linux + Mac - ssh semaphore@ip-of-server
- Windows - utilize putty or mobaxterm
Semaphore login & password:
- Run from Terminal to find your password - cat passwords.txt
- Go to your browser - https://ip-of-server
- Login to semaphore gui - username: semaphore password: SEMAPHORE_USER_PASS listed in passwords.txt
- Optional: Change Semaphore Password - Bottom left > Click on semaphore > Edit Accounts > Enter your new password .
- Login to mariadb from terminal : sudo mysql -u root -p - Password: SEMAPHORE_DB_PASS listed in passwords.txt
- Change mariadb password : Login to terminal > sudo mysqladmin -u root -p'your_password' password "new_password"
- Ansible playooks/roles : cd /home/semaphore/.ansible - you can list the files in this directory - ls
Setup Ansible / OpenTofu in Semaphore:
- Create a project: Can be accessed on the main page when you first log in.
- Create an Environment {}: On the left side, select Environment > Select New Environment (can be empty {} or have env variables).
- Add an ssh key/Password to keystore: On the left side, select Key Store > Select New Key > enter name key & select ssh key or password.
- Create an Inventory: On the left side, select Inventory > Enter name, select saved credentials, select Static (Hosts).
[test_server] ansible_host= ansible_user=admin
- Create a repository : Left side, Select Repositories > Select New Repository > Enter name , URL or Path = /home/semaphore/.ansible/playbooks/ , select key .
- Create a Task Template : Runs an Ansible playbook
Name: decyphertek
Playbook Filename: /home/semaphore/.ansible/playbooks/ufw/ufw_install.yml
Select established : Inventory , Repository , Environment .
- Before you run a task playbook, you need to ssh into the target server from semaphore via terminal.
- Login Semaphore terminal > add your private key > ssh into target server, so it gets added to known_hosts.
vim ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 400 id_rsa
ssh username@ip-of-server
- Run a Task/playbook : Left side Task Templates > Select RUN next to the task.
- Follow similar steps for Terraform / OpenTofu -
- Opentofu Docs -
- AWS Basics -
- Make sure you are accessing https://ip-of-server
- Your passwords are in /home/semaphore/passwords.txt - cat /home/semaphore/passwords.txt
- Make sure you setup , projects , Environment , ssh key , inventory , repository , and task .
- Ensure public ssh key is on the target server & there is a route, so Ansible Sempahore can run properly.
- Manage semaphore from systemd - sudo systemctl status semaphore
- Manage nginx from systemd - sudo systemctl status nginx
Additonal Security Features:
- Ossec Hids -
- Crowdsec IPS -
- UFW Host Firewall -
- Auditd Logging -
- Automated Updates - Update script upon first boot and at 3am daily.