Odoo is an open source ERP & CRM server. Manage all aspects of your business with Odoo, including Website, Ecommerce, Inventory managment, POS, etc. GCP Marketplace: Odoo 17 CE
SSH Into the server:
- Utilize Google SSH Console or setup ssh keys or password.
Login to Odoo:
- https://ip-of-server
- Accept the auto-generated self signed cert, you can add your own certs in /etc/apache2/sites-available/apache.conf later.
- Odoo is secure and allows the user to set the master password , DB Name & User login at first access.
- You can choose to use the randomly generated password or use your own.
- To change the randomly generated password, simply refresh the page and will generate a new one.
- Please fill in all the fields that it is asking: ( Make sure to save your password info. )
Master Password: ( Make your own , or refresh to regenerate a new one. )
Database Name: odoo
Email: ( Your Email )
Password: ( Your Password )
Phone Number: ( Optional - Your Phone Number )
Language: ( Your Language )
Country: ( Your Country )
* Select Create Database
- Please be patient , it takes a few minutes to initialize your chosen settings.
- Once complete it will redirect you to a login page:
Email: ( Your Email)
Password: ( Your Password)
- Once Logged in , you will be taken to the apps page, select which ones to activate.
- Please be patient, after clicking activate , take a few minutes to install .
- Email Signature: Dashboard > Top Right Icon > Preferences > Can customize Email Signature > Save
- Time Zone: Dashboard > Top Right Icon > Preferences > 1st - Set time zone from Linux Terminal:
timedatectl list-timezones
# Ex:
timedatectl list-timezones | grep New_York
sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
# From Odoo UI
Dashboard > Top Right Icon > Preferences > Select Timezone > EX: (America/New_York) > Save
- MFA: Dashboard > Top Right Icon > Preferences > Account Security > Toggle 2FA
View Modsec logs:
- Test Modsec:
# From the Odoo server:
sudo tail -f /var/log/modsec_audit.log
# Then run from you host system terminal:
curl -I "http://IP-OF-SERVER/index.html?test=<script>alert(1)</script>"
- Modescurity is currently in Detect Mode Only, If you want to actively block, then make these changes:
sudo vim /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/security2.conf
SecRuleEngine On
# SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Security Features:
- Auditd -
- Crowdsec -
- UFW -
- Apache -
- Modsecurity -
- Automated Updates - Crontab runs at reboot and at 3am every morning.