Kali Linux Web Desktop
Kali Linux is an open source Penetration testing platform based on debian. You can access Kali Linux from your web browser and begin to assess your environment. AWS Marketplace: Kali Linux Web Desktop
- Kali Linux Web Desktop Login:
- ssh into your server:
ssh kali@ip-of-server
- Run from Terminal to find your instance id :
curl -s
- Go to your browser:
- Login with your instance id
- Left side tab - Select full screen + see additonal options.
- Note: By defualt there is no security tools installed , due to AWS AMI apporval policies.
- Default Toolset:
sudo apt install kali-linux-default
- Everything Toolset:
sudo apt install kali-linux-everything
- Note: Avoid installing any of the desktop meta packages as it modifies grub and breaks the system. You already have xfc4 desktop.
- Note: If your desktop locks when logged into nvnc, you will need to create a kali password:
sudo passwd kali
- Optional: Update vnc password:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart tigervnc
sudo systemctl restart nonvnc
- Enjoy & read up on AWS Pentest Policies - https://aws.amazon.com/security/penetration-testing/
- Kali Linux Tools - https://www.kali.org/tools/
- AWS Basics - https://decyphertek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/products/aws-basics/
- Make sure you are accessing https://ip-of-server:6080/vnc.html
- Your password is you instance ID, from terminal run - curl -s
- Forgot your password, you can change it. run form terminal:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart tigervnc
sudo systemctl restart nonvc
- If noVNC is not working, run from terminal:
sudo systemctl restart novnc
Security Features:
- Ossec Hids - https://decyphertek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/technotes/OSSEC/
- Crowdsec IPS - https://decyphertek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/technotes/Crowdsec/
- UFW Host Firewall - https://decyphertek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/technotes/UFW/
- Auditd Logging - https://decyphertek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/technotes/Auditd/
- Automated Updates - Update script upon first boot and at 3am daily.
- https://www.kali.org/