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Uptime Kuma

Uptime Kuma is a self-hosted monitoring tool designed to track the availability and performance of websites and services. It provides real-time status updates, customizable alerts, and a user-friendly dashboard to help users ensure their sites and services remain operational. Azure Marketplace: Uptime Kuma


  • Please be aware that it takes a few minutes for Uptime Kuma to be up and running.

SSH Into the server:

  • Utilize Azure SSH settings to set your ssh keys AND/OR Password to ssh in.

Uptime Kuma:

  • How to access Uptime-Kuma > https://ip-of-server
  • Follow instrucitons to create a new account.
  • You can now add a website to monitor.

Portainer - Manage Docker:

  • How to access Portainer to manage your containers > https://ip-of-server:9443
  • Follow the instructions to create a new admin account.
  • Caution - Portainer can timeout if you dont create an account fast enough
  • If this happens you need to restart the container, ssh into the server, from terminal:
sudo docker restart portainer
  • Once logged into portainer, click get started and select local. You can manage docker from here.

