OpenSearch is an adaptable, scalable open-source platform designed for creating solutions for data-heavy applications. OpenSearch provides features that include search, security, observability, robust performance, developer-friendly tools, and strong integration capabilities. Azure Marketplace: OpenSearch
- Please be patient , it takes 5-10 minutes for OpenSearch to be accessible.
SSH Into the server:
- Utilize Azure to setup user and ssh keys.
- Make sure to allow ssh, https, & 9443 via network security group.
- To Get the OpenSearch admin Password , run the follwoing command from terminal:
sudo cat /root/opensearch_admin_password.txt
- login to OpenSearch Dashboard:
Username: admin
Password: (sudo cat /root/opensearch_admin_password.txt )
OpenSearch GET/POST:
- Install httpie terminal or Desktop - ;
- HTTPIE Linux Terminal Example:
# GET/POST Example using HTTPIE & health.json
# Basic GET no auth example (
http --pretty=format GET "" "Accept:application/json" >> health.json
# If using auth for an API > http --pretty=format GET "" "Authorization:Bearer $API_KEY" "Accept:application/json" >> example.json
# Create an index > Opensearch Dashboard > Index Managment > Indexes > Create index > EX: health
# Test the index
http --verify=no --auth admin:your_password GET https://IP-OR-DOMAIN:9443/health/
http --verify=no --auth admin:your_password POST https://IP-OR-DOMAIN:9443/health/_doc/ Content-Type:application/json < health.json
# Create Index Pattern > Dashboard > Managment > Dashboard Managment > Create Index Pattern > health*
# You can now discover the data & Create Dashboards.
- Note this is just an example, please utilize your own API or json data to get customized results.
- Can be useful if you need to pull in data from multiple APIs and crossreference the data.
Optional - Nginx:
- To change your SSL certs:
sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/opensearch.conf
# Replace with your SSL cert
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/self-signed-crt.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/self-signed-key.pem;
sudo nginx -t
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl reload nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
- If you are getting a 502 bad gateway , please wait, opensearch isnt ready yet.
- You can check to see if there are any errors by running systemctl status.
sudo systemctl status opensearch opensearch-dashboards
sudo systemctl start opensearch opensearch-dashboards
Security Features:
- Crowdsec IPS -
- UFW Host Firewall -
- Auditd Logging -
- Automated Updates - Update script upon first boot and daily.