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System Rescue

System Rescue is a multi-use utility live usb , built on Arch Linux.

Live USB

 $ wget
 # Use Balena Etcher to make a live USB
 # Boot from computer - Research, models vary ( F2 or F12 ) 
 # Boot default : loads to terminal 
 $ startx
 # Connect to internet to install additonal packages
 $ pacman -Syu package-name-here


 # Storage and disk partitioning
 * GParted
 * ddrescue 
 * fsarchiver and 
 * partclone 
 * fdisk, gdisk , cfdisks & fdisk
 * qemu-img & qemu-nbd

 # Network tools
 * Network-Manager 
 * nmcli, ifconfig, ip, route, & dhclient
 * tcpdump
 * netcat and 
 * udpcast allow 
 * OpenVPN, WireGuard, & openconnect

 # File system tools
 * e2fsprogs, xfsprogs, & btrfs-progs
 * ntfs-3g

 # Web Browsers and Internet
 * Firefox
 * curl 
 * wget

 # Remote control
 * OpenSSH 
 * Remmina

 # Security
 * GnuPG
 * KeepassXC 
 * cryptsetup 
 * chntpw

 # Recovery tools
 * testdisk 
 * photorec
 * whdd

 # Secure deletion
 * wipe & nwipe
 * shred 
 * mc
 * Thunar

 # Hardware information
 * lspci 
 * lsusb 
 * lscpu
 * hwinfo

 # Hardware testing
 * memtest86 
 * memtester 
 * stress

 # Boot loader and UEFI
 * Grub bootloader 
 * efibootmgr

 # Text editors
 * featherpad 
 * geany
 * vim 
 * nano 
 * joe 
 * ghex 
 * hexedit

 # Archival and file transfer
 * tar 
 * gzip, xz, zstd, lz4, &  bzip2
 * zip, unzip, & 7z 
 * rsync  
 * grsync 
 * rclone

 # CD/DVD utilities
 * growisofs
 * cdrecord 
 * mkisofs 
 * udftools

 # Scripting languages
 * bash 
 * Perl
 * Python 
 * Ruby

 # Miscellaneous
 * flashrom 
 * nvme
