"Droidian is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian for mobile devices. The goal of Droidian is to be able to run Debian on Android phones."
- Pixel 3a
- Many More
Pixel 3a Droidian Install:
# Phone: About tap x7 > Enable useb debugging + OEM Unlock
# From your Debian device install adb + Fastboot
sudo apt-get install -y android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
# Plug in device & Allow USB Debugging prompt
adb devices
adb reboot bootloader
# Except Unlock Bootloader from Phone
fastboot flashing unlock
wget https://dl.google.com/dl/android/aosp/sargo-pd2a.190115.029-factory-b05c97da.zip
unzip image-sargo-pd2a.190115.029.zip
cd sargo-pd2a.190115.029
bash flash-all.sh
# Enable , dev , usb debugging, and oem unlock again. Need to accept via phone again.
# Enter fastboot
wget https://images.droidian.org/droidian/nightly/arm64/google/image-fastboot-sargo.zip
unzip image-fastboot-sargo.zip
bash flash_all.sh
login: 1234
# Set encyrption > Settings > Encryption > Reboot > Be patient screen turns black after login 30 sec.
# Change login password from 1234 , Open terminal:
sudo passwd droidian
# Number pin code is the easiest way, so you can login via pin.
Plasma Mobile:
- Open Terminal in Droidian
sudo apt update
sudo apt install plasma-mobile
- Issues - Its installed, no how do I set Plasma Mobile instead of Gnome?
"A container-based approach to boot a full Android system on regular GNU/Linux systems running Wayland based desktop environments."
- Issues: Uses older verison of Lineage, need to find out how to Upgrade the the latest version.
- Drodian Waydroid app crashes, never installs waydroid?
- How do I install MicroG ? Do I instead use Lineage OS for MicroG?
- Does eSIM work?
Can install kubernetes / docker on LXC and run lite dev applications. * Can it run lxc , install qemu , then install BlissOS ? * Distrobuilder & github , custom LXC apps.
Other Issues:
- Many Flatpak apps and desktop apps never launch, they are looking for x86 architecture or dekstop utlitiy that doesnt exist.
- Need a specialized repo for aptitude and Flatpaks that are modified to work on Mobian.
- https://droidian.org/
- https://mobian-project.org/
- https://plasma-mobile.org/get/
- https://source.android.com/docs/setup/create/avd
- https://lineage.microg.org/
- https://waydro.id/
- Save your APN - https://devices.droidian.org/#/devices/sargo ; https://apn.how/specs/google-pixel-3a
- Andoroid 9 Stock Image - https://developers.google.com/android/images
- Drodian Install Guide - https://devices.droidian.org/#/devices/sargo ; https://github.com/droidian-images/droidian
- Drodian installer - https://github.com/droidian-releng/droidian-installer/releases/tag/0.0.5 ( Not working? )
- Droidian 99 - https://github.com/droidian-images/droidian/releases/tag/droidian%2F99