OpenVAS Vulnerability Scanner is an advanced, open-source security tool designed for comprehensive vulnerability assessment and management. It efficiently scans and identifies potential security weaknesses in network services and software systems. Azure Marketplace: OpenVas
- Please be aware that it takes a few minutes for Openvas to be up and running.
SSH Into the server:
- Utilize Azure to setup user and ssh keys.
- Make sure to allow ssh, https via network security group.
OpenVAS GVM Login:
- ssh into your server.
- Password:
sudo cat /root/password.txt
- Recommended: Update gvm feeds ( Takes a while ):
sudo greenbone-feed-sync
- Go to your browser - https://ip-of-server
- Login:
username: admin
password: ( Output of password.txt )
OpenVas Basics:
- Dashboard: Check Feeds > Administration > Feed Status
- Dashboard: Create a new Target > Configuration > Target > Select - Top Left: Paper W/ Star > New Target > Enter IP or Cidr range > Choose your options
- Dashboard: Create a New Port List > Configuration > Port List > Select - Top Left: Paper W/ Star > New Port List
- Dashboard: Quick Scan > Scans > Tasks > Select - Top Left: Paper W/ Star > New Task > Select Target > Set to once > Start
- Terminal: Update Password:
sudo runuser -u gvm -- gvmd --user=admin --new-password=password
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart gvmd
- Terminal: Update Feeds:
sudo greenbone-feed-sync
- Terminal: Add New user:
sudo runuser -u gvm -- gvmd --create-user=newuser --new-password=password
- Getting Started W/ Openvas GVM:
sudo systemctl status gsad.service gvmd.service ospd-openvas.service notus-scanner.service
Additonal Security Features:
- Crowdsec IPS -
- Firewalld -
- Auditd Logging -
- Automated Updates -
- Nginx -